At the end of year 2009, "HydroTech Engineering" Ltd. Co purchased BCF Plus welding machine manufactured by Swiss company Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd.
This device is used for seamless welding of PVDF pipes.
Welding is a process of transmission of a certain heat energy quantity to pipe and fitting. Each pipe end is supported in a split-ring clamp with integral heating element. The inner surface of the pipe joint is supported with a heated bladder.
Fully-automatic monitoring of welding process simplifies its usage providing high quality and reproducibility of welded connections. The result is a homogeneous welded connection of the pipe without restrictions and cracks either outside or inside the pipeline. A straight and smooth surface on the internal sides prevents bacteria sedimentation, simplifies and hastens sanitary process of the pipeline.
This welding process is very important for medical and pharmaceutical divisions of "HydroTech Engineering" Ltd. Co, because nowadays the usage of the plastic materials is expanding into many industries, such as: water treatment, transportation, distribution and storage of chemical components, transferring and dosing of finished products.
Presently, our company’s specialists have been trained of the welding process of BCF Plus. They reached theoretical and practical skills and got certificate of welding machine usage.