The company has ample experience in water treatment installations for pharmaceutical companies.
“HydroTech Engineering” Co Ltd produces stainless steel pipeline systems and has certified equipment from +GF+ George Fischer (Switzerland) for jointless butt welding of PVDF pipes, fittings and valves.
Desalinating plants are based on electrodeionization and membrane technologies.
Solutions for the pharmaceuticals industry:
Design water and waste water systems for the pharmaceuticals industry;
Qualification of water treatment systems: drawing up of DQ, IQ, and OQ protocols;
Examination of optimization and changes to water treatment regimes; staff training; creation of performance records of equipment operation;
Design of water treatment systems, storage and distribution systems of pharmaceutical grade water in accordance with GFU requirements (issue 1.1, 2004);
Assembly and classification of storage and distribution systems of pharmaceutical grade water. Used materials: PVDF, stainless steel AISI 316L;
Satisfying requirements of purified water quality in accordance with Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia and EF.
Requirements to the purified water quality in accordance with Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia and EF
Requirements of purified water quality in accordance with Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia and EF:
Conductivity at 20 °C, µS
Total organic carbon, ppm
Nitrates, ррm
Aluminum, ppb
Hard metals, ррm
Microbiological purity, КОЕ/1ml
100/1 ml
Requirements of injecting water quality in accordance with Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia and EF:
Conductivity at 20 °C, µS
Total organic carbon, ppm
Nitrates, ррm
Hard metals, ррm
Bacterial endotoxins, MO/ml
Microbiological purity, КОЕ/1ml
10/100 ml